The Jenkins Iron & Steel Earth Auger drive is built with a heavy-duty commercial-grade frame and has a planetary gearbox direct drive system capable of standing up to years of the harshest abuse possible.

Featuring a 2″ hex drive unit, our Auger is self-centering and offers a variety of bit options making this is the perfect system for not only commercial-grade applications but residential and farm use as well.

Various skid steer loader mounts are also available for those without universal skid steer quick attach, please call for additional information.



Hydraulic Drive $2,175

Auger Extensions:
2’ $325
3’ $375
4’ $425

Bit Sizes:
4” $230
6” $242
9” $342
12” $396
15” $575
18” $625
20” $685
24” $750
30” $1,000
36” $1,245